
Welcome to Unstacking the Deck!  The goals of this site are threefold:

Most importantly, I want to use this blog as a platform to discuss the root causes of income and wealth inequality, its long term demographic and societal impacts, actions that could potentially close the gap, barriers to societal and legal reform that would affect change as well as false information put forth by both conservatives and liberals when discussing the subject.  

The secondary and tertiary goals of the blog are more selfish.  I used to blog and write quite a bit.  A combination of laziness, apathy and pessimism prompted me to stop a few years back. It is my hope that having this blog will be reason enough to break the bad habits of the past.   Lastly, a blog is a very useful history of thought that I want to have for myself and my family and friends as we travel through life.  History holds us accountable and preserves our memories in genuine fashion.

I hope that your visit here is informative, thought provoking and enjoyable.  I enjoy comments and critiques at any time, as long as they are good natured and posted in a light of collaboration and learning.

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